Commercial Properties - SageWater

Commercial Properties

SageWater’s pipe replacement and restoration solutions work just as well at commercial properties as they do in residential ones. Aging hydronic piping systems can leak, causing property damage and frequent shutdowns of heating and cooling systems. Older copper and galvanized pipes can cause low water pressure, leaks, and discoloration in potable water systems.

These problems strain relations with tenants and trigger mounting plumbing costs. The value of the building suffers, and it becomes difficult to maintain tenant satisfaction and market-value rental and lease rates. Repiping becomes the economically sensible choice. One SageWater client has estimated that the costs of suffering with old pipes amounted to nine times the expense of leak damage repair.

Having replaced over 35 million feet of hydronic and potable pipe, SageWater is the nation’s most experienced pipe replacement specialist for occupied commercial buildings. That experience helped us develop our unique One Call Repipe solution.

One Call Repipe is a turnkey process that takes care of everything—from planning and estimating to implementation, communications, and project management. We evaluate the functionality of your system, identifying the repairs or replacement needed and which improvements will yield the highest ROI. We also offer designs with detailed budgets and ROI analysis.

Because we perform the installation services as well, the cost and management hassles of hiring multiple trades are eliminated. Just one call to SageWater and your problem is solved.

We take care of communications with tenants, removal of the old system—including coordination with remediation contractors if needed—piping installation, insulation, repairs to drywall, and all painting. Tenants often say their spaces look better after our work than they did before. Our onsite project manager coordinates with your tenants and our in-house team of craftsmen, so there are no costly delays associated with separate subcontractors and no surprises.

Whether for an office park, a retail mall, or a high-rise office building, we apply the same approach to minimize disruption to tenants. Work can be done from 6 pm to 6 am and on weekends. Debris is kept to a minimum and removed every day, and spaces get a thorough cleaning before tenants return to work. Tenants who have been through our commercial repipe process have reported complete satisfaction with the SageWater approach and no disruption to work routines.

If you own or manage a commercial property with ongoing pipe problems, please visit our One Call Repipe page.