With the official start of summer upon us, it is a perfect time to ensure your fan and chilled water systems are functioning properly.
Here are 7 simple actions you can take to help keep your systems operating at peak efficiency and prevent costly surprises:
1. Check that your pipe insulation is in good condition and isn’t showing cracks, splits, tears, sags, water damage or mold.
2. Make sure that your condensate drain lines are clear of debris and the fan coil condensate drain pans are in proper working order.
3. Schedule a fan coil inspection to ensure the fan coil valves work and fans are running at their proper speeds (low, medium, high).

4. Change your fan coil filters every month or clean it every 30 to 90 days.
5. Test your riser valves to make sure they are functioning properly.
6. Test the air vents to ensure they are functioning properly and that the supply vents and return grills are open and debris free.
7. Check to make sure your chemical treatment system is working properly for your closed loop system.
The heat of the summer often stresses HVAC systems. Taking some preventative steps is essential to avoiding major system failures and keeping residents and owners cool and content.