7 Essentials for Your Summer Checklist | SageWater

7 Essentials for Your Summer Checklist

Summer Season Tips for Multifamily and Condominium Community Professionals

In January, we wrote about the importance of regularly checking your property’s piping systems to catch any potential problems before they become an emergency. This exercise will help prevent a costly and catastrophic leak at your community.

However, the start of the summer is also a great opportunity to make sure your systems are functioning properly in preparation for the warmer weather that stresses fans and chilled water systems.

Some checklist items to make sure your systems are in proper working order include:

Schedule your filter change


Test/exercise your riser valves


Schedule your coil cleaning/inspection


Ensure that the fan coil valves work and fans run at proper speeds – slow, medium, high


Test the auto vents for proper air bleeding


Assess that the pipe insulation is in good condition and doesn’t show any cracks, splits, or tears


Inspect that the condensate drain lines are free and clear of debris and the condensate drain pans are in good working order


By being proactive with maintenance, you can prevent costly surprises and keep your systems operating at peak efficiency.