Crossbrook Apartments | SageWater

Crossbrook Apartments

Rohnert Park / CA

In-Unit Laundry , Apartments , CA , Garden-Style

Units : 226
Stories : 2
Built : 1987
Duration : 5 months
Problem : Upscale the community with in-unit washers and dryers
Solution : Turnkey In-Unit Laundry Retrofit
Crossbrook Apartments in Rohnert Park, CA

Crossbrook Apartments

In-Unit Laundry , Apartments , CA , Garden-Style
Units : 226
Stories : 2
Built : 1987
Duration : 5 months
Problem : Upscale the community with in-unit washers and dryers
Solution : Turnkey In-Unit Laundry Retrofit

The owners of Crossbrook Apartments wanted to install in-unit washers and dryers to increase the value of their property and enhance resident quality of life. A repeat client, they chose us because they liked our efficient schedule and turnkey approach.

Because this was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, our project management also included adhering to California’s strict health and safety requirements. We handled everything from temperature checks, to masks, to extra cleaning procedures.

While navigating this additional protocol—and the building’s tight floorplans, which made the installations a matter of inches—we were still able to deliver the project on time and on budget. The owners were happy with the results and proceeded to hire us for a similar project at another property.