Brooks Tower Residences | SageWater

Brooks Tower Residences

Denver / CO

Domestic Supply , Drain, Waste & Vent , HVAC & Mechanical , Condominium/Co-Op , CO , Mid/High-Rise

Units : 555
Stories : 42
Built : 1967
Duration : 36 months
Problem : Age-related piping failures
Solution : Turnkey Pipe Replacement while following COVID-19 safety protocols
Units : 555
Stories : 42
Built : 1967
Duration : 36 months
Problem : Age-related piping failures
Solution : Turnkey Pipe Replacement while following COVID-19 safety protocols

Brooks Tower was Denver’s first residential high-rise. Due to the age of the building, corrosion was rampant across three piping systems, causing regular leaks and damage. The Board of Directors hired SageWater to replace all three systems under one scope of work. We first replaced the supply and drain, waste, and vent piping, then the hydronic HVAC piping. The project was delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic, making SageWater’s proven resident and management communication program crucial. In addition to paper-based notifications, residents could log into a detailed project website and attend information sessions to know what was happening, where and when. Our adherence to communication and safety protocols was critical throughout, including when we worked with property managers to temporarily relocate some residents to vacant units. Residents reported being pleased with our attention to detail and the quality of the completed work.