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Our blog on how community owners and operators can protect value and resident health with pipe replacement.

Plumbing Systems Past, Present, and Future

Sometimes, in order to see where you are going, it helps to look back at where you have been. Such is the case with the future of plumbing, whose meandering history provides intrinsic insights as to where we may be headed. Plumbing originated in ancient civilizations including Greek, Roman, and...

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Capital Improvement Projects Are Worth the Investment

Capital Improvement Projects Are Worth the Investment

Does The Idea Of A Capital Improvement Project For Your Community Give You Anxiety? Properties may be reluctant to undertake large capital improvement projects because they are unsure where to start or whether they will see a return on investment. Prioritizing projects at your community can be tricky. Is it...

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Change The Way You Look At A Plumbing Leak In 4 Easy Steps

Let’s face it, as the General Manager of a condo community, you have a VERY busy job. Unit 1203 already called twice this morning due to a funny smell in the hallway, the painting contractor has parked illegally blocking a resident trying to leave, and someone forgot to clean-up...

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5 Tips for Planning Your Community’s Next Capital Improvement Project in the Age of COVID-19

Capital Improvement Projects in the Age of COVID-19

When COVID-19 first hit our shores in the spring of 2020, no one knew what to expect or how long it would last.  Now, more than six months into what is the largest global pandemic of our lifetime, we are seeing signs of life return to normal while we...

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Green Building Pipe Replacement

Environmental Benefits of Pipe Replacement

Replacing failed domestic water systems results in a substantial reduction in water consumption at properties that are experiencing leaks.  Depending on how long leaks go undetected, hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water are wasted per leak, and some properties we see have as many as 10-15 leaks...

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What Pipe Is That?

Piping issues can usually be categorized into two buckets, problems caused by defective products or problems caused by age-related issues. Performing a pipe inspection to assess the type of pipe in your building, knowing when it was installed and how it is aging will help you plan ahead for...

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Can Your Building Make You Sick?

There has been a lot of information issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization (WHO) about how COVID-19 spreads, with the primary focus on how to change social habits, workplace habits, and overall sanitation practices to flatten the curve and reduce the...

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