Hale Kulanui | SageWater

Hale Kulanui

Honolulu / HI

HI , Drain, Waste & Vent , Condominium/Co-Op , HI , Mid/High-Rise

Units : 180
Built : 1975
Stories : 27
Duration : 5 months
Problem : Deteriorating drain, waste and vent piping​
Solution : Turnkey Pipe Replacement with asbestos abatement​

Hale Kulanui

Units : 180
Built : 1975
Stories : 27
Duration : 5 months
Problem : Deteriorating drain, waste and vent piping​
Solution : Turnkey Pipe Replacement with asbestos abatement​

This high-rise condominium had corroded and deteriorating drain, waste, and vent piping. It was so severe that drain-pipes were broken in the kitchen stacks and vent lines were cracking laterally. Using our turnkey pipe replacement process, SageWater replaced the failing piping including the removal and resetting of kitchens to access the piping system. SageWater also performed drywall/paint renovation and oversaw asbestos remediation.​

I would like to commend SageWater for their work during the project, and their level of follow-up service with a strong commitment to providing customer support and going the extra mile. SageWater diligently addressed all questions and concerns, while remaining courteous in their attitudes and attentive to residents during the entirety of the project.

Rosemary Schwitters
Board Member​
Hale Kulanui
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