Congressional Towers | SageWater

Congressional Towers

Rockville / MD

Drain, Waste & Vent , Apartments , MD , Mid/High-Rise

Units : 614
Stories : 7
Built : 1963
Duration : 6 months
Problem : Age-related corrosion of DWV pipes causing frequent leaks
Solution : Turnkey Pipe Replacement

Congressional Towers

Drain, Waste & Vent , Apartments , MD , Mid/High-Rise
Units : 614
Stories : 7
Built : 1963
Duration : 6 months
Problem : Age-related corrosion of DWV pipes causing frequent leaks
Solution : Turnkey Pipe Replacement

Congressional Towers was experiencing frequent leaks in its kitchen stack drain lines. SageWater was called in initially to complete an emergency replacement of two stacks, which led to a property-wide project to replace all the corroded and clogged piping. As you can see, in some cases the vent lines were corroded all the way through, while the drain lines were clogged almost completely.